(English) Metalook - FabriX

(English) Metalook

(English) Rock your favourite outfits in the physical and the virtual world.

(English) Get started

go beyond boundaries

METALOOK is an AR-powered technology for you to mix and match different pieces to create an infinite array of looks. It is not just a trend for influencers or the fashion industry, but can be anyone’s new endeavour. You can express yourself creatively with no limitations for your digital presence.


(English) With Augmented Reality (AR) technology, the virtual dressing looks exactly like physical one on a person. Thanks to advanced digitising fashion with technology, lighting adaptation, realistic interaction with natural virtual fashion, you can now rock your favourite outfits in both the physical and the virtual world.

(English) get your metalook

(English) How metalook works

(English) Fast and Sustainable. Unleash your charm in the world of digital fashion.

(English) Explore & Shop

(English) Choose your favourite Metalook outfits.

(English) Upload images

(English) Upload your photo. Read the tips here

(English) Sit back & relax

(English) The metalook is now making in progress.

(English) METALOOK is an AR-powered technology for you to mix and match different fashion pieces to create an AR photos or videos form of yourself in the digital outfits.

(English) Getting METALOOK is easy. All you need is to submit a high-quality photo that meets specific requirements, such as even natural light, no strong shadows or blurry areas, to ensure a perfect fit of digital attire. For more details, please refer to the tips here.

(English) It takes 2-3 working days.

(English) Metalook can be used in various Web3 projects, metaverses and games or shared on social media. It will expand to the virtual and gaming environments.
